KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

The Food Security Cluster (FSC) Preparedness and Resilience Working Group (PRWG) launched a call for good practices on preparedness and resilience-building approaches and activities among its partners. Mercy Corps explores its "Managing Risk through Economic Development" (M-RED) programme, which aims to utilize existing [...]
The Food Security Cluster (FSC) Preparedness and Resilience Working Group (PRWG) launched a call for good practices on preparedness and resilience-building approaches and activities among its partners. Recurrent humanitarian crises and disasters, pockets of armed conflict in the Niger Delta and North-East Nigeria [...]
The Food Security Cluster (FSC) Preparedness and Resilience Working Group (PRWG) launched a call for good practices on preparedness and resilience-building approaches and activities among its partners. Concern Worldwide initiated the Community Resilience to Acute Malnutrition programme in Chad to build resilience among the [...]
The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security 2015 showed that a staggering 22 percent of total damage and loss from natural disasters in developing countries was absorbed by the agriculture sector alone. Two years on, FAO continues the effort to bridge persisting knowledge gaps and [...]
Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
The latest issue of the FPMA (Food Price Monitoring and Analysis) Bulletin FAO/GIEWS monthly report has been released. It reports food price trends at world, regional and country level and includes warnings on countries where prices of one or more [...]