KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

This webinar was organised with support from the European Union. 30 November 2016 Share your feedback on the event Speaker: Bernard Rey, Deputy Head of Unit – DEVCO C1 Rural Development, Food Security, Nutrition Moderator: Luca Russo, Senior Food Crises Analyst and Strategic Adviser on resilience, FAO Since [...]
Ce webinaire a été organisé avec le soutien de l'Union européenne. 18 octobre 2016 – 15.00-16.30 CEST Présentateur : Alexis Bonte, Représentant de la FAO a.i. en République démocratique du Congo; Paulin Kakule, Économiste et Expert en microfinance communautaire, bureau FAO en République centrafricaine Modératrice :  Sylvie Wabbes, Chargée [...]
Policy brief
Matam is one of the poorest and most food-insecure regions of Senegal. Its economy is largely based on agriculture and pastoralism, thus vulnerable to climatic changes and socio-economic shocks. Matam experiences infrastructure weakness and poor access to many basic services, [...]
Matam is one of the poorest regions of Senegal. Located in the northeast of the country, more than 45 percent of the population of Matam is under the poverty line. In this region, agriculture and pastoralism are the largest economic [...]
This webinar was organised with support from the European Union. Social protection webinar series: Shock-responsive social protection for resilience building 2 August 2016 – 10.30 - 12.00 CEST Share your feedback on the event Speaker: Natalia Winder Rossi, Senior Social Protection Officer, Social Protection Team Leader and [...]