KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Practitioner guidelines for selection, analysis and design
This guide focuses on Sustainable food value chain (SFVC) development in conflict-prone and conflict-affected contexts, observing that even in complex contexts, value chains directly impact the ability of communities to safeguard their livelihoods and contribute to their resilience in the [...]
  The Food Systems Solutions Dialogues are purposeful and organized events which bring together National Convenors, along with other food systems actors, to share their experiences and insights on food systems. The Hub has organized monthly Food Systems Solutions Dialogues since April [...]
Improving resilience through knowledge sharing and the provision of productive assets in Dosso and Maradi regions
In the Niger, rural women are at the forefront of the agricultural value chain and at the core of household feeding. Nevertheless, they have restricted access to productive resources such as land, agricultural inputs, finance, credit, extension services and technology, [...]
The demand for resilience evidence has grown exponentially as conflict, Covid-19, and the impacts of climate change have reversed development gains. Together with USAID, the Resilience Knowledge Coalition is gathering global voices across geographic contexts, sectors, and actors at the Resilience Evidence Forum.  Registration to attend virtually is still [...]
Young men and women embracing technology to promote peace in Somalia Communities in southern Somalia have had to cope with increasing scarcity of natural resources. This combined with a lack of basic services has compounded levels of need and increased the [...]