KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Conflict undermines resilience and can force individuals and households to engage in increasingly destructive and irreversible coping strategies that threaten their future livelihoods, food security and nutrition. Thus, enhancing FAO's programming in fragile and conflict-affected contexts is crucial to support [...]
Livestock for Health (L4H)
This report presents findings from a community participatory study conducted to determine the seasonality of malnutrition and factors associated with malnutrition among children and women in Laisamis subcounty, Marsabit County. The study was conducted as part of the Livestock for Health (L4H) project. This [...]
A series of webinars organized by the United Nations System Standing Committee on Nutrition (UNSCN) The Internet and other digital technologies are drastically changing the world we live in. Information and data are being produced, shared, used and consumed at a continuously [...]
The Humanitarian-Development-Peace nexus aims to bring three sectors into closer alignment to better address both the immediate needs of people affected by conflict as well as the underlying causes of protracted crises. While the idea of the nexus is gaining [...]
Please join FAO and Tufts University for the technical series on the conceptual framework for addressing acute malnutrition in Africa’s drylands in October and November 2020 and the Round Table in December 2020. Events will be in English and French. Childhood [...]