KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

The demand for resilience evidence has grown exponentially as conflict, Covid-19, and the impacts of climate change have reversed development gains. Together with USAID, the Resilience Knowledge Coalition is gathering global voices across geographic contexts, sectors, and actors at the Resilience Evidence Forum.  Registration to attend virtually is still [...]
Young men and women embracing technology to promote peace in Somalia Communities in southern Somalia have had to cope with increasing scarcity of natural resources. This combined with a lack of basic services has compounded levels of need and increased the [...]
Partage des Meilleures Pratiques et Solutions de Financement L'Alliance des Chaînes d'Approvisionnement Alimentaire Locales Résilientes et ses partenaires vous invitent au Dialogue de la Jeunesse sur les Entreprises Agroalimentaires et les Startups: Partage des Meilleures Pratiques et Solutions de Financement. Ce [...]
  World Food Day is celebrated annually on 16 October to promote global awareness and action for those who suffer from hunger and to highlight the need to ensure healthy diets for all. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) designated [...]
Translating context analysis and conflict-sensitive recommendations into adjustment in project implementation in Lower Shabelle region
This learning brief documents the learnings drawn from the project titled “Building resilience and promoting durable solutions in Lower Shabelle region” implemented from 2018 to 2022 by FAO and its partners in the framework of the Global Network Against Food [...]
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