KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Date: Wednesday 14 February 2018 Time: 9.00-10.30 EST (UTC/GMT -5) FAO’s Strategic Programme 2 (SP2) identified the Global Farmer Field School Platform as one of its global knowledge products over the 2018-19 biennium.  The seminar on February 14th 2018 launching the global FFS platform, [...]
Jordan, in Western Asia, has a population of approximately 9.5 million people, of which a significant share (more than two million people) are registered Palestinian refugees. The country currently faces significant challenges to its socioeconomic system; the geopolitical situation is [...]
USAID Center for Resilience
As part of USAID's commitment to working with communities to strengthen their resilience, USAID has elevated resilience to an objective in the Global Food Security Strategy, prioritizing approaches that strengthen households' and communities' absorptive, adaptive, and transformative resilience capacities. To [...]
  Les violences contre les femmes et les filles constituent un risque majeur au quotidien. Au Tchad, plus d’un tiers des femmes (35 %) a été victime d’actes de violence physique, psychologique et/ou sexuelle, causés par leur conjoint, tandis que les [...]
The 26th issue of the Food Chain Crisis (FCC) Early Warning Bulletin, covering the period between January and March 2018, integrates and analyzes information on transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases threatening the food chain for the three months ahead, grouped by region [...]