KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Creating employment opportunities and enhancing adaptive capacities to recurrent drought within protracted crises
The West Bank is an arid or semi-arid land characterized by low precipitation with a large proportion of rainfall rapidly lost as surface runoff. While natural shocks like drought pose challenges to the already fragile water network, the protracted conflict [...]
Increase the resilience of both men and women’s livelihoods to threats and crises
Women and men play specific and complementary roles in agriculture and food and nutrition security, and building the resilience of their livelihoods in different ways. In most countries, women have less access to productive resources, services and employment opportunities than [...]
Supporting the agriculture livelihood in improving the dairy value chain in a protracted crisis context
The agricultural sector in Lebanon and particularly the milk and dairy segment represents one of the major sources of income for rural poor farming communities in Lebanon. FAO, in collaboration with the Government of Lebanon’s Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and [...]
Support for widespread adoption of fuel-efficient mud stoves to strengthen resilience to conflict in protracted crises
This good practice sheet documents the main lessons drawn from FAO's experience supporting a number of partners on the production and use of fuel-efficient (mud) stoves (FES) to address these challenges in Darfur. The protracted conflict since 2003 in Darfur, [...]
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