KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

FAO's Environmental and Social Standards (2015) ensure that FAO projects and programmes conform to sustainability criteria and mitigate potential adverse impacts to achieve expected outcomes. A COVID-19 outbreak in countries already affected by existing shocks, including political instability, conflict and [...]
Developing Foresight Capacity for Climate Resilient Agricultural Development
This training series is a joint initiative of the SADC Secretariat’s Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources (FANR) Directorate, the Centre for Coordination of Agricultural Research and Development for Southern Africa (CCARDESA), the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) through the CGIAR [...]
A collective endeavour
Key messages: Humanitarian agencies have been making the case for taking action before crises hit, but it is long-term actors (such as governments and service providers) who have responsibility for most anticipatory actions. ‘Anticipatory action’ is usually used to refer to an [...]
Exploring the interplay between El Niño-induced drought, conflict and gender
The intensity and frequency of natural hazards and conflicts is increasing, and they are leaving in their wake an unprecedented level of humanitarian needs. Natural hazards alone occur nearly five times as often today as 40 years ago. The number [...]
A road map for accelerated discovery and learning
This paper aims to provide inspiration and direction for the stakeholders and actors involved in, and in a position to enable better information and knowledge management (IKM) to meet the challenge of the global climate change and sustainable development agendas. [...]