KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Recommendations for strengthening institutional coordination and capacities
This guidance is based on experience gained during the project (2015–2020). It provides insights and inspiration through showcasing innovative activities that target cooperation, collaboration, improved communication, increased coherence, and capacity-sharing between the Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction [...]
The Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC) 2020 is the result of a joint, consensus-based assessment of acute food insecurity situations around the world by 16 partner organizations. The data and the analyses in this report were prepared before the [...]
  Copenhagen, 18th-20th of May 2020 Disasters and emergencies are becoming increasingly widespread and costly, causing great harm to many people. Their socio-economic repercussions reach far beyond their epicenters by means of migration as well as economic and environmental interconnectedness. There are [...]
Loyaa Village sits on a sandy plain at the edge of rain-starved Turkana County, in northeastern Kenya—part of the Greater Karamoja Cluster, which also includes the borders of Uganda, South Sudan, and Ethiopia. It is the last village before the neighboring [...]
Speakers Dominique Burgeon, Director of Emergency and Rehabilitation Division, FAO Stephanie Hanson, Senior Vice President, One Acre Fund Matt Nims, Deputy Director, USAID Office of Food for Peace Vimlendra Sharan, Director, Liaison Office for North America, FAO Steven Burak, Coordinator, Regional Desert Locust Alliance and Project [...]