KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Pastoral households face dire food insecurity
Over one year of severe dry weather conditions affected forage and water availability in most pastoral and agro-pastoral areas, causing massive livestock deaths in Somalia. Weather forecasts point to below-average precipitations during the April-June “gu” season and a full recovery [...]
The Impact of Disasters on Agriculture and Food Security 2015 showed that a staggering 22 percent of total damage and loss from natural disasters in developing countries was absorbed by the agriculture sector alone. Two years on, FAO continues the effort to bridge persisting knowledge gaps and [...]
The livestock sector in Mongolia is the main pillar of the rural economy, contributing to 16 percent of the national GDP and providing livelihoods for 30 percent of its population. However, over the decades, the livestock industry has been confronted [...]
FAO assesses that globally 37 countries are in need of external assistance for food. Conflicts continue to be the main factor driving the high levels of severe food insecurity. Weather shocks have also adversely impacted food availability and access, notably in East [...]
FAO’s Early Warning-Early Action programme mitigates the impacts of disasters
In 2016-17, FAO rolled out the EWEA pilot programme in Paraguay, Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Madagascar, the Pacific Islands, Sudan and Mongolia some of the countries considered high-risk for natural disasters and food insecurity. The EWEA programme supports FAO member countries [...]