KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

The demand for resilience evidence has grown exponentially as conflict, Covid-19, and the impacts of climate change have reversed development gains. Together with USAID, the Resilience Knowledge Coalition is gathering global voices across geographic contexts, sectors, and actors at the Resilience Evidence Forum.  Registration to attend virtually is still [...]
Photo credit - ©Jimmy Chicaiza
  The Conference aims at bridging the gap between science, policy and decision-making to support effective resilience building. According to the latest IPCC’s 6th Assessment Report (August 2021), “climate change is intensifying the water cycle”, which will bring more associated flooding and [...]
  Water is a dealmaker for the Sustainable Development Goals, and for the health and prosperity of people and planet. But our progress on water related goals and targets remains alarmingly off track, jeopardizing the entire sustainable development agenda. It is a [...]
The 7th Urbanization and Poverty Reduction Conference will bring together academics and development practitioners to present and discuss questions relating to Climate Change and Sustainable Cities.  This conference is hosted by the World Bank (Development Research Group), George Washington University (Elliott School [...]
Agriculture and food systems face multiple and interconnected risks and crises, with dire impacts on food insecurity and nutrition. FAO implements multi-risk and impact management actions, including nature-based solutions and specifically, forest-based solutions, with a focus on food crisis and [...]