KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Quarterly Global Report
FAO estimates that 37 countries are in need of external assistance for food. Civil conflict continues to be a main driver of severe food insecurity, triggering famine in South Sudan and putting populations at high risk of [...]
Biannual Report on Global Food Markets
Food commodity markets tend to exhibit a well-balanced situation at the global level for nearly all the commodities covered in this report, although in some cases prospects at the country or regional level may diverge from this positive outlook. [...]
The Somalia Water and Land Information Management project (SWALIM) is one of the few UN development programmes to have information management as its primary mission, using technologies such as Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and remote sensing mapping and data collection with mobile [...]
In its current form, the page provides a simple overview of early warning early action (EWEA) and access to key information resources, such as our quarterly Global EWEA reports, acting as a basic web reference for our internal and external [...]
Video by BRACED
Building Resilience to Climate Extremes and Disasters (BRACED) is a global programme that seeks to build people's resilience to climate change-related risks and disasters in South and Southeast Asia, as well as the African Sahel and neighbouring countries. At the BRACED [...]