KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

High levels of acute food insecurity in Ethiopia due to COVID-19, displacement, desert locusts and high food prices.
In the analysis period of October to December 2020, about 8.6 million people (16% of the analysed population) are facing high levels of acute food insecurity (IPC Phase 3 or above) despite ongoing Humanitarian Food Assistance (HFA). Of these, about [...]
The IPC Acute Food Insecurity analysis was conducted in South Sudan from October 26th to November 16th, 2020. During the vetting session of the analysis, a breakdown in consensus among the country IPC Technical Working Group members emerged in relation [...]
This webinar is organised with support from the European Union and the German Federal Foreign Office. Anticipatory Action (AA) webinar series: Anticipatory Action for livelihood protection and food security: Concepts and practices for a system-wide shift from reactive to preventive approaches to crises 19 November 2020 [...]
Joignez-vous aux FAO et Tufts University lors d’une série technique sur le cadre conceptuel pour lutter contre la malnutrition aiguë dans les zones arides de l’Afrique en Octobre et Novembre 2020. Les évènements seront en anglais et français. L’émaciation infantile est [...]
October 2020
This joint FAO-WFP early warning analysis of acute food insecurity hotspots report aims to raise an early warning on 20 countries and situations - called hotspots - that, starting from already significant levels of acute food insecurity in early 2020, [...]