KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Inscrivez-vous à l'événement Ne manquez pas de découvrir les méthodes intéressantes utilisées par les champions et les praticiens pour renforcer la résilience dans leurs pays et leurs communautés. Inscrivez-vous dès aujourd'hui ! MERCI DE PRENDRE NOTE  QUE LE PROGRAMME EST DANS LE FUSEAU [...]
Partial Acute Malnutrition analysis for 133 districts in 19 zones of Yemen
How Severe, How Many and When: Over half a million cases of children aged 0 to 59 months, and more than a quarter of a million cases of pregnant and lactating women, are expected to suffer from acute malnutrition during the course [...]
The Energy and Environment Technical Working Group (EETWG), together with the Government of Bangladesh, UN agencies, national and international NGOs, is coordinating extensive planting activities and the provision of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) cylinders in the Rohingya refugee camps and [...]
This webinar is made possible by the support provided by the European Union, under the Partnership Programme contributing to the Global Network Against Food Crises, and the American People through the U.S. Agency for International Development. The contents of this [...]
Until the outbreak of COVID-19 in Pakistan, many families living within Muzaffargarh, an arid district in the eastern province of Punjab, kept cows and goats as dairy livestock. Mansab Mai, a mother of seven, supplemented her husband’s and eldest son’s [...]