KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Anticipatory action is an approach that provides an opportunity to break that reactive cycle. It does so by predicting when these events will occur and acting early to protect people against their impact. This way of working is now becoming [...]
COVID-19 has quickly morphed from an unprecedented health crisis to a massive economic shock. Initial expectations were that its impacts on agri-food supply chains would predominantly be felt in post-farm downstream segments, mostly in urban settings. But these expectations have [...]
Anticipatory Action is an innovative approach which systematically links early warnings to actions designed to protect families and their assets ahead of a hazard. Acting before a disaster is crucial – it can safeguard lives and livelihoods, build resilience to [...]
Dans la période actuelle (Juillet à Décembre 2020) sur les 66,6 millions de personnes analysées en République Démocratique du Congo, 21,8 millions (33%) sont confrontées à une insécurité alimentaire aiguë élevée, classée en Phase 3 ou 4 de l'IPC (Crise [...]
This report is based on information valid at the time of its finalization in April 2020. Since then, many economic and social developments have taken place in the country. On 4 August 2020, a devastating explosion occurred in the Beirut [...]