KORE - Plateforme de partage des connaissances sur la résilience

Monthly Report on Food Price Trends
FAO/GIEWS monthly report on recent food price developments at world, regional and country level with focus on developing countries. It includes warnings on countries where prices of one or more basic food commodities are at abnormal high levels, which could [...]
Resilience Roundtable of Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action
2017 was not only the hottest year on record but also the costliest in terms of damages from severe weather and climate events. Followed by extreme weather continuing to claim lives and destroy livelihoods in 2018, there is an urgent [...]
Strengthening Cross-border Cooperation in IGAD Clusters
Around sixty participants from the IGAD Secretariat and the Member States were in Isiolo, Kenya, from 6-8 August 2018 to take part in an inaugural IGAD knowledge share fair, whose theme was Strengthening Cross-border Cooperation in the IGAD Clusters. The aim [...]
How can vulnerable households sustain an escape from poverty, weathering the ongoing and multiple shocks and stresses that they will face over their lifetimes? Poor and near-poor households and communities live in increasingly complex risk environments and are subject to [...]
Rapport d'analyse de la résilience No. 14
Ce rapport se penche sur les dimensions de la capacité de résilience des ménages mauritaniens. Les résultats de l’analyse RIMA (Mesure et analyse de l’indice de résilience) fourniront des faits probants visant à démontrer les facteurs qui permettent à certains [...]