KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Climate Action

07/05/2024 - 08/05/2024

The climate crisis is driving loss and damage, food insecurity, hunger, and vulnerabilities, especially when combined with conflicts and other disasters1 hindering progress towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The frequency and severity of climate extreme and slow onset events are escalating, affecting communities already on the brink. It is imperative to increase context specific climate actions to manage multiple risks and impacts for building inclusive, adapted, resilient and sustainable agrifood systems.

Leveraging expertise across the Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) nexus, FAO addresses both immediate emergency needs and underlying root-causes of vulnerabilities and risks often exacerbated by cascading and colliding disasters, climate events, conflicts, and other crisis across agrifood systems. FAO employs a systemic and multi-risk and impact management approach with all agriculture and food actors for building resilient systems where climate change is one of the main global emergencies.

In the poly-crisis context we face today, several complementary climate actions are necessary to strengthen capacities to prevent, anticipate, absorb, adapt, and transform ahead of shocks and stresses, as outlined in the UN's Common Guidance for Resilience4. These climate actions encompass a portfolio of comprehensive risk and impact management solutions for climate adapted and resilient agrifood systems, from production to consumption. This portfolio includes decision-making processes or governance and policies; monitoring and assessments of risks, impacts, and vulnerabilities with early warning systems; anticipatory actions and emergency preparedness and response; DRR/resilience community good practices along food value chains; climate-proofing infrastructure; social protection and insurance schemes; nature-based or positive solutions; reduction of food waste, loss, and nutrition, among others.



1. I think you're on mute | HAG


2. Better Food. Better World. | WFP


3. Frams. Food. Future | IFAD

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Watch the FAO Knowledge Exchange series

Mountain Regions in Focus: Agrifood systems transformation for nutrition and climate resilience.


More on FAO's Emergecies and Reslience Climate Action Page


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