KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

DRM Webinar I - Governing and managing disaster risk in the agriculture sector


This webinar was organised with support from the European Union.

Disaster risk reduction and management in agriculture webinar series: Governing and managing disaster risk in the agriculture sector

16 May 2017 – 10.30 - 12.00 CEST

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  • Sophie Baranes, Coordinator of the Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI)
  • Proyuth Ly, Expert on disaster risk management planning in agriculture sectors, FAO Cambodia


  • Dominique Burgeon, Director of Emergency and Rehabilitation Division, and Strategic Programme Leader – Resilience, FAO

Over the past decade, economic damages resulting from natural hazards have amounted to USD 1.5 trillion caused by geophysical hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides, as well as hydro-meteorological hazards, including storms, floods, droughts and wild fires. Climate-related disasters, in particular, are increasing worldwide and expected to intensify with climate change. They disproportionately affect food insecure, poor people – over 75 percent of whom derive their livelihoods from agriculture. Agricultural livelihoods can only be protected from multiple hazards if adequate disaster risk reduction and management efforts are strengthened within and across sectors, anchored in the context-specific needs of local livelihoods systems.  

This webinar covers: 

  • Institutional capacity development for DRM for resilience, food security and nutrition
  • Mainstreaming DRM in agriculture sector planning
  • Linking planning and capacity development for DRM, resilience and climate change adaptation (CCA)

Webinar video

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