KORE - Knowledge sharing platform on Emergencies and Resilience

DRM Webinar III - Benefits of farm-level disaster risk reduction practices in agriculture

©FAO/Ami Vitale

This webinar was organised with support from the European Union.

Disaster risk reduction and management in agriculture webinar seriesBenefits of farm-level disaster risk reduction practices in agriculture 

20 July 2017 – 10:30 - 12:00 CEST

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  • Emmanuel Zziwa, Climate Change Adaptation Expert, FAO Representation in Uganda
  • Jiwon Rhee, Climate Resilience Officer, FAO


  • Niccolò Lombardi, Expert in Disaster Impacts and DRR, FAO

Over the past decade, economic damages resulting from natural hazards have amounted to USD 1.5 trillion caused by geophysical hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis and landslides, as well as hydro-meteorological hazards, including storms, floods, droughts and wild fires. Climate-related disasters, in particular, are increasing worldwide and expected to intensify with climate change. They disproportionately affect food insecure, poor people – over 75 percent of whom derive their livelihoods from agriculture. Agricultural livelihoods can only be protected from multiple hazards if adequate disaster risk reduction and management efforts are strengthened within and across sectors, anchored in the context-specific needs of local livelihoods systems. 

This webinar covers:

  • How to measure the benefits of farm-level disaster risk reduction practices in agriculture – approaches, methods and findings from FAO’s preliminary study;
  • A case study from Uganda on how the agricultural practices for disaster risk reduction were implemented and monitored at farm level; and
  • A perspective from the Philippines on the challenges and opportunities to upscale the agriculture good practices for disaster risk reduction at national level. 

Webinar video

KORE, August 17 2017 - 16:38:
On behalf of Jiwon Rhee, one of the speakers of DRM webinar III:

Dear Mr. Teshome,

Thank you for your interest in the webinar and for sharing your perspective on the topic.

I am with you that prevention is the most effective way to reduce disaster risk and many of such actions can start at small holder farm level. In this webinar we tried to illustrate the economic benefits of the agricultural practices that enhance the resilience of small farmers based on our field study and shared some learning on their enabling conditions.

The webinar is available as a video on this website if you wish to listen to it.

Best regards,
Jiwon Rhee
Takele, August 2 2017 - 17:42:
Many thanks for sharing these important resources. I would like to reflect my perspective.
I like the idea of farm level disaster risk reduction because if every small holder farmer understands the concepts and practices of disaster cycle management (prevention, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery aspects) and engages in monitoring of risks through early warning signals and information and considers contingency plan the risk can prevented or minimized. When disaster occurs recovery cannot be attained overnight since copping mechanisms can be depleted. Hence, linking humanitarian response with a a process of recovery/rehabilitation and long term development is crucial. Fragmented approach and compartmentalize thinking affects synergy. The flood that causes crop damage can easily be harvested to use the surplus water for irrigation during the day period and also to reduce erosion. Disaster prevention and response and climate change funding at dicentralized level will also allow preventive measures before the damage occurs
Takele Teshome.Director
Association for sustainable development alternatives (ASDA)

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