KORE - Knowledge platform on Emergencies and Resilience

Webinars on Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE) for COVID-19 prevention along the food supply chain

©FAO/ C. Marinheiro
18/03/2021 - 28/08/2020

This webinar series is made possible by the support provided by the European Union, under the Partnership Programme contributing to the Global Network Against Food Crises, and the American People through the U.S. Agency for International Development. The contents of this webinar series are the sole responsibility of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, USAID, or the United States Government.

      10 February 2022 - 12.00 - 13.30 CET (UTC/GMT+1)


Since late 2019/early 2020, an outbreak of COVID-19 – an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus – has rapidly spread across the world, devastating lives and livelihoods. The full impact of the virus on food security and agricultural food systems is not yet known, nor will likely be known, for months to come as the spread of the virus continues to evolve differently by continent and by country. What is clear is that it will have, and is already having, negative effects on people along the food supply chain – from producers to processors, marketers, transporters and consumers—especially in contexts of high vulnerability and where populations are already experiencing food crises. Mass communication campaigns to inform at-risk or affected populations have been shown to play a critical role in efforts to reduce the spread of disease.

Risk communication and community engagement (RCCE) refers to the processes and approaches to systematically consult, engage and communicate with people and communities who are at risk, or whose practices or behaviour affect risk. The aim is to encourage, enable and include stakeholders in the prevention of and response to risks by adapting communication to local political, economic, social, cultural, psychological and other realities. In the case of COVID-19, RCCE enables authorities and communities to work together to promote healthy behaviour and reduce the risk of spreading infectious diseases.

There is an urgent need to provide accurate information and guidance on awareness raising that is more adapted to the context of rural farming, fishing and pastoral communities. Against this background, the webinars in this series seek to:

  • Contribute to supporting the delivery of the sub-sectoral technical guidance along the food supply chain in an inclusive, participatory and people-centered way (factoring key dimensions of gender, gender-based violence, age, disability, etc.).
  • Highlight country and context-specific RCCE efforts along the food supply chain.
  • Explore the role of partnerships and localization to tackle COVID-19 impacts.


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