Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO

Belize becomes the 20th LAC country to join the Parliamentary Front against Hunger


On July 29th, the Government of Belize launched the Belize Parliamentary Alliance against Hunger and Malnutrition under the MesoAmerica Hunger Free Programme and the Hunger-Free Latin America and Caribbean Initiative.

The Government of Belize confirmed their political commitment through the signing of a parliamentary declaration by the Belize National Assembly to join 19 Latin American and Caribbean (LAC) countries in the fight against hunger and malnutrition.

In partnership with the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation (AMEXCID), the Government of Belize will seek to address the issue of malnutrition and hunger through the formulation of effective legislation and public policies, awareness-raising and alliances with civil society, academia, international organizations, and other key actors. The signing of the declaration promotes an inter-ministerial and bipartisan approach to addressing the issue of hunger and malnutrition in Belize.