Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO

El Salvador

In El Salvador, "Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO" focuses on supporting the development of an effective institutional framework to help ensure food and nutritional security and improve the living conditions and resilience of family farming. To this end, it promotes and supports training, technical assistance and technology transfer programs that facilitate the diversification of production, access to a more diverse and healthy diet, improved income and access to water in regions affected by intense periods of drought.

Some of the results achieved and the actions that “Mesoamerica Hunger Free AMEXCID-FAO” supports in El Salvador are the following:

  • Strengthening of systems for the production and distribution of good quality seed varieties adapted to climate variability, with the establishment of demonstration plots and community seed banks.
  • Creation of municipal units focused on food security and nutrition and on supporting family farming.
  • Construction and implementation of municipal food security and nutrition plans.
  • Design and validation of a municipal management model for food and nutritional security and family farming that promotes co-responsibility and co-financing.
  • Establishment of urban agriculture centers.
  • Capacity building for family farming through the methodology of farmer field schools.
  • Implementation, documentation and dissemination of good practices of resilient family gardens, field schools, rainwater reservoirs, production of seeds of native species, food and nutrition education, among others.
  • Technical accompaniment to the Parliamentary Front against Hunger of El Salvador and facilitation of spaces for dialogue.
  • Training and formal constitution of the Network of Communicators of El Salvador in Food and Nutritional Security (REDCOSAN) as a legal association.
  • Updating of the Food and Nutrition Education Manual for basic education teachers.