Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC)

Morocco National Data Portal - Dissemination of project results



FAO is supporting Morocco to strengthen the capacities of national institutions in the implementation of MOSAICC in order to put in place a policy of adaptation to climate change as a national priority.

An interactive Web web portal allowing integration of scientific information into the design of agricultural development projects and or to serve supporting the economic decision-making or policy formulation has been developed. The Web web portal will allow users to consult and present the results of the MOSAICC projectstudies , as well as present the results of the MOSAICC project to policy makers, government officials, academicians and civil society including women.

To test the new data portal, A a mission 2015 was organized by FAO-Morocco office in close collaboration with the MOSAICC team at FAO headquarters organized a mission in Rabat, Morocco, from 18 to 28 May 2015.  The aim of the mission was to design and establish the new mock-up for testing the preliminary dataweb portal, to be published once all the projects MOSAICC results are available.

Several individual meetings, with all national focal points involved in this project, and a roundtable meeting were held at the FAO office in Rabat, Morocco. All national counterparts presented their views, concerns and ideas for their respective datasets produced using the modules of MOSAICC.