Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC)

Technical backstopping in Morocco


A technical backstopping was organized from 13 to 14 April 2015, concerning the inception process of the Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP) implemented by the FAO office in Morocco, as well as briefing on the progress of FAO-MOSAICC project funded by EU-FAO programme and implemented in the country.

It was a opportunity to meet and discuss the work progress with the national counterparts involved. This meeting was valuable to make a thorough evaluation of the remaining project work and devise a schedule plan for each component in more detail.

The discussions were focused mainly on the activities to be undertaken in parallel and in support to each other without creating delays in the context of TCP and MOSAICC project as both projects are running over the same period. It was agreed for the successful realization of both projects that all FAO officers and consultants involved take into account the consolidation of the activities, the continuous support to the local staff, the proper timing of the delivery of the trainings andmissions of international consultants and the upcoming events.

On 15 April 2015 a roundtable meeting with all project focal points was held at the FAO office in Rabat, regarding the finalization of the remaining work as project closure is approaching. Several meetings with stakeholders and governmental institutions were organized by FAO in advance of the mission, discussing the following points: current progress achieved, ongoing activities, concerns/issues identified, suggestions for solutions, next steps, deadlines on the respective activities and preparation of the final report.

In addition, in every meeting was addressed the key role of stakeholders involvement and support for successful implementation of the project and post-project.