Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC)

Hands-on training on the hydrology component, Morocco


Following the regular progress review of MOSAICC carried out in January 2015, the project team assessed the status reports for each component of the MOSAICC tool box.

Based on the progress made as stated in the report, and considering all concerns brought forward by the national focal points, as well as remaining tasks to finalize the main project activities, it was seen as necessary to provide further expertise, guidance and support to all the local users of the hydrology and economic components in Morocco.

In the light of completing the calibration and simulation for three basins involved in the study area of Morocco, a hands-on session on the Hydrologic component took place from 16 - 20 February 2015 in Rabat, Morocco. Extra focus was put to conclude the work on the three basins with the involvement of the respective agencies. Hard work of the international trainer and national focal point for hydrology module allowed to finalize the work of the calibration for all the stations in the Moulouya, Sebou and Tensift basin and to ran most of the future scenarios.