Modelling System for Agricultural Impacts of Climate Change (MOSAICC)


Paraguay’s economy is dependent on the agriculture and livestock sectors, which are highly vulnerable to climate change. More than 80 percent of farmers are small holders with properties of less than 20 hectares with limited capacity for adaptation to climate change. It is therefore important that the future impacts of climate change are assessed for evidence based adaptation planning and support.

MOSAICC within project framework

Since 2015, FAO has been implementing the second phase of the project “Analysis and Mapping of Impacts under Climate Change for Adaptation and Food Security” (AMICAF) in Paraguay and Indonesia, which aims at assisting countries to address climate change impacts on agriculture from national to local level.

AMICAF consists of four components:

  1. Impacts of climate change on agriculture
  2. Food insecurity vulnerability analysis at household level
  3. Livelihood adaptation to climate change
  4. Institutional analysis and awareness raising

The first component uses the MOSAICC platform to generate spatially downscaled climate change scenarios and a robust assessment of the impacts of climate change on crops and water resources.