Adaptation planning for crops and livestock

Climate change is already affecting crop and livestock production through the increase in temperatures, change in precipitation patterns as well as the more frequent and intense extreme weather events. Its impacts are being felt directly and indirectly across production systems. The direct effects on crops include their growth and need for water, in addition to soil fertility, water supply for irrigation, and prevalence of pests and diseases. In terms of livestock, climate change affects the quality and quantity of feed and water supply and the carrying capacity of pasturelands and water supply sources. The indirect effects, meanwhile, can be seen in market prices, due to the different regional effects of climate change.

Agriculture is how many people earn a livelihood in developing and least developed countries. Due to the expected widespread impact of climate change on agriculture, adaptation in crop and livestock production is essential. Crop and livestock production must shift to a sustainable and climate resilient approach that can contribute to feeding a growing global population and providing the basis for economic growth and poverty reduction.