Knowledge Tank for agriculture sectors’ adaptation to climate change

This NAP-Ag Knowledge Tank:

  • Contains tools, methods, case studies and other knowledge materials on climate change adaptation in the agriculture sectors (crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture).
  • Targets national planners, development actors and decision makers.
  • Supports countries in highlighting key resources for adaptation planning and budgeting, especially in formulating and implementing National Adaptation Plans (NAP).

For more information, see the Background and focus and the Disclaimer.

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Topics: Climate change
Areas of work: development
Element when formulating and implementing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP)
A) Laying the ground work
B) Preparatory elements
C) Implementation strategies
D) Reporting, monitoring and review
Year of publishing or latest release:
Number of records: 308
This course provides an overview of the impacts of climate change on food security. It also introduces climate-smart agriculture and practices that contribute to climate change adaptation, mitigation, food security and development. It provides planners, policy formulators, programme managers, technical staff, basic information to begin planning for adaptation.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Type of resource: Learning material
The Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE), founded by EcoAdapt and Island Press, aims to build a shared knowledge base for managing natural and built systems in the face of rapid climate change. It is intended to help build an innovative community of practice. It includes case studies, a virtual library containing reports, books, articles, videos, presentations and more; a directory, tools and a community platform to exchange.  The CAKE database represents material for identifying available information, assessing development needs and climate vulnerabilities, preparing, defining implementation strategies as well as developping monitoring and reporting options all along the National Adaptation plans (NAP) process.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: tool; community; platform; adaptation; search; engine; agriculture; toolkit; assessment; integrated; ecosystem; ocean; sea level rise; monitoring; stakeholder groups; climatic zones;
Type of resource: Database or Platform
Link to the related web site:
Link tothe CAKE Library filtering agriculture and adaptation related knowledge resources (such as reports, books, articles, videos, presentations and more). The Climate Adaptation Knowledge Exchange (CAKE) aims to build a shared knowledge base for managing natural and built systems in the face of rapid climate change. It is intended to help build an innovative community of practice.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: community; platform; adaptation; search; engine; agriculture; assessment; monitoring; library; publications; search; evaluation; planning
Type of resource: Database or Platform
This guides gathers the main existing nutrition-relevant indicators that can be used for monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of food and agriculture investments, and shows which type of investments each type of indicator is most appropriate for. It is intended for those responsible for the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of investment projects in food and agriculture (including and in addition to value chains, social development, and rural development) that need to demonstrate that they lead to intermediary results toward improved nutrition.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: nutrition; agriculture; sustainable; nutrition-sensitive agriculture; investments; monitoring; evaluation; M&E; indicator; development indicators; rural development; women's empowerment; gender; markets; climate smart; value chain
Type of resource: Publication or Report
TECA platform gathers practical information – agricultural technologies and practices – to help small producers in the field. The online forums, or exchange groups, offer knowledge-sharing and experience-sharing opportunities and a search engine for technologies enable the user ro find practices in crop production, forestry, livestock, fisheries, marketing and more, many of which can support in adaptation to climate change.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: practices; technologies; experience; knowledge; sharing; smallholder; smallholders; small; agricultural; producer; producers; information; practical; field; community
Type of resource: Database or Platform
Link to the FAO website compiling climate-related data, tools and knowledge-sharing platforms.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: climate change; agriculture; knowledge; hub; agroecology; breed; model; platform; carbon; balance; geospatial;
Type of resource: Tool, Database or Platform
Link to the Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) website. It is the world’s leading source of information and a respected authority on global food production, consumption and trade. It continuously monitors the food security situation in every country of the world and alerts the world to emerging food shortages. It contains reports, country analysis, data and tools.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: early warning; disaster risk reduction; DRR; production; agriculture; monitoring; analysis; data; tool; report
Type of resource: Tool
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: zoning;practices;agro-ecology
Type of resource: Tool
Primary recommended database for sustainable land management (SLM) best practices, it includes three databases: on SLM technologies, on SLM approaches and on SLM mapping as well as case studies and maps from over 50 countries.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Type of resource: Database or Platform
The World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT): Agricultural Sustainable Land Management Technologies. Search Engine
The World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) is an established global network which supports innovation and decision-making processes in Sustainable Land Management (SLM). Through this categorized search engine, the user can access targeted information on SLM technologies and approaches.  Useful basic infomation to prepare and plan for adaptation.  
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: technology; land; fertility; texture; slope; market; ownership; rights; cost; household;
Type of resource: Tool, Publication or Report, Database or Platform, Method