Knowledge Tank for agriculture sectors’ adaptation to climate change

This NAP-Ag Knowledge Tank:

  • Contains tools, methods, case studies and other knowledge materials on climate change adaptation in the agriculture sectors (crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture).
  • Targets national planners, development actors and decision makers.
  • Supports countries in highlighting key resources for adaptation planning and budgeting, especially in formulating and implementing National Adaptation Plans (NAP).

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Topics: Climate change
Areas of work: development
Element when formulating and implementing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP)
A) Laying the ground work
B) Preparatory elements
C) Implementation strategies
D) Reporting, monitoring and review
Year of publishing or latest release:
Number of records: 307
This publication groups three technical papers on climate change implications for fisheries and aquaculture. These papers provide an overview of the scientific knowledge available at the time of writing (2008). It specifically tackles the physical and ecological impacts of climate change relevant to marine and inland capture fisheries and aquaculture, the consequences of climate change impacts on fisheries and their dependent communities and finally addresses the impacts of climate change on aquaculture.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: analysis; knowledge; climate; impact; fish; aquaculture
Type of resource: Publication or Report
This policy brief describes how climate variability and change influence the fisheries sector and its future contribution to poverty reduction. It reports on a recent global assessment identifying regions where future climate change could have the most significant impact on the contributions of the fisheries sector to national economies. It further reviews adaptive livelihood and institutional responses to climate variability in fisheries and proposes policy actions and initiatives to help governments and fishing communities maintain and build adaptive capacity to climate change.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: productivity; distribution; fish; stock; stocks; analysis; impact; change; marine ; inland; waters; fishing; livelihoods
Type of resource: Article or presentation
Link to the related web site:
This module identifies the tools and methods needed for assessing climate-related risks at community level. It introduces some of the key concepts and steps for climate risk assessment in the context of livelihood adaptation to climate change in agriculture.  
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: assessment; drought; perception; risks; risk; community; variability; participatory; tools; methodology; strategy
Type of resource: Learning material, Publication or Report
This report presents the outcomes of the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem Regional Workshop on Assessing Climate Change Vulnerability in Fisheries and Aquaculture, which was held in Namibia in April 2013. It presents an initial review of the bio-physical and biological implications of climate variability and change on the region’s fisheries; reviews the latest stages in research on and application of climate variability and change vulnerability methodologies and discuss their appropriateness to the region's adaptation planning needs; identifies key elements of vulnerability for the region, including climate-related drivers of change and adaptive capacities along the entire fisheries and aquaculture value chains.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: vulnerability; assessment; socio; ecological; system; framework; regional; transboundary;
Type of resource: Publication or Report
Link to the related web site:
This collaborative study dresses an overview of the impacts of climate change on fisheries. It describes the hydrological cycle and its relevance to fisheries, the production variabilities and changes in vulnerability due to constant dynamics of ocean motion affects, provides an in-depth explanation of bioindicators, adresses the history of climate as it relates to fisheries, reviews regional ecological responses to climate change, discusses synchrony and systematic transitions, describes several forecast approaches. Furthemore, it ranks impacts by fishery system type and identifies coping measures. It provides useful informatio to prepare a national adaptation plan.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: fisheries; climate; change; impacts; vulnerability; analysis; research
Type of resource: Publication or Report
This study describes a range of multiple-benefit options for integrating climate change adaptation and mitigation into IFAD interventions in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, based on a review of relevant literature on climate change, the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, and related activities of other international organizations. The proposed measures are not new concepts but have been proven in practice to provide a range of benefits to and increase the resilience of small-scale fishers and fish farmers, as well as the ecosystems on which they rely.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: multi; benefit; actions; strategy; ecosystem; approach; smallholder; agriculture
Type of resource: Publication or Report
The IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) contains contributions from three Working Groups: one assessing the physical science basis of climate change, one the impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability, the last one assessing the mitigation of climate change. The Synthesis Report draws on the three Working Groups assessments.    
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: assessment; impact; decision; making; climate; system; human; interference; resilient; pathways; transformation; regional; sectoral
Type of resource: Publication or Report, Database or Platform
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
This paper provides an overview of the status of issues and actions related to the adaptation of forest and rangeland resources to climate change in southern Africa. Their economic, social and environmental functions and significance are highlighted, the drivers of deforestation and land degradation are outlined. The paper provides a summary of climate histories and trends in southern Africa and a discussion on potential impacts of climate change, climate variability and extreme events. It further highlights the adaptation needs.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: rainfall ; adaptation; needs; agroforestry; non-timber; activities; alternative; energy; NAPA
Type of resource: Publication or Report
Report of the Workshop on Climate Change Implications for Fisheries of the Benguela Current Region. It contains information on the regional biophysical features and decadal trends in the Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem (BCLME); national contexts of climate variability and change and fisheries; and a vulnerability assessment of the region's fisheries. It highlights the main issues brought out during the discussions, such as: aspects of developing a methodology for vulnerability assessment; definition of vulnerability in a fisheries context; potential climate change impacts on, and vulnerability levels of, the different fisheries in the region; and potential short- and medium-term adaptation actions.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: assessment; adaptive; capacity; regional; programme; social-ecological; fisheries systems; interagency ; collaboration; commuincation; holistic; methodology; roadmap
Type of resource: Publication or Report