Knowledge Tank for agriculture sectors’ adaptation to climate change

This NAP-Ag Knowledge Tank:

  • Contains tools, methods, case studies and other knowledge materials on climate change adaptation in the agriculture sectors (crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture).
  • Targets national planners, development actors and decision makers.
  • Supports countries in highlighting key resources for adaptation planning and budgeting, especially in formulating and implementing National Adaptation Plans (NAP).

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Topics: Climate change
Areas of work: development
Element when formulating and implementing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP)
A) Laying the ground work
B) Preparatory elements
C) Implementation strategies
D) Reporting, monitoring and review
Year of publishing or latest release:
Number of records: 307
This farmework provides decision-makers and adaptation implementers a structured approach and a sourcebook for assessing vulnerability to climate change. It contains a selection of methods and tools to assess the different components that contribute to a system’s vulnerability to climate change. It was prepared as part of the Indo-German development cooperation project 'Climate Change Adaptation in Rurals Areas of India' (CCA RAI). Provides valuable tools and methods when preparing a national adaptation plan.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: assessment; future; vulnerability; approaches; state; level; flood; drought; examples; Madhya Pradesh; west Bengal; indicator-based; bottom-up; climate; data; analysis; top-down; sector
Type of resource: Tool, Publication or Report, Method
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The presentation outlines the components of vulnerability: exposure, sensitivity and adaptive capacity. The presentation also explains the alternative concepts of vulnerability, and the role of natural and social sciences in determing this. The presenter further elaborates on different methods for assessing vulnerability separating them into top-down or bottom-up approaches, and presents a framework table for climate change related vulnerability assessments.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: impact; current; future; vulnerability; adaptive capacity; context
Type of resource: Article or presentation
This article analyses farmers and species vulnerability to climate and socio-economic change according to different scenarios. It estimates their sensitivity and capacity to adapt to external factors as a means of identifying what causes the differences in their vulnerability.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: impact; vulnerability; economic; social; interactions; adaptive; capacity; natural; system; autonomous; planned; adaptation; model; scenario; society; intervention; indicators; agriculture; exposure
Type of resource: Article or presentation
This course provides the necessary knowledge to design, develop and implement agricultural projects and programmes that address the challenges of a changing climate. It is useful for professionals working in agricultural development who need to learn how to mainstream effectively climate change considerations in their projects and programmes.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: investment; formulation; project; planning; basics; climate change-sensitive; Incorporating; supervision ; evaluation; agriculture
Type of resource: Learning material
This paper provides a review of conceptual frameworks for the assessment of climate change-related vulnerability and gives some examples of their application to the agricultural sector. It aims to help reduce complexity by easing understanding and communication; assist the comparison of different vulnerability approaches to identify differences and detect gaps; and serve as a guiding principle and useful reference for vulnerability assessment in the agricultural sector.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: effect; agriculture; production; understanding; adaptive; capacity; components; vulnerability; exposure; sensitivity; coping; range; determinants; biophysical; socio; economic; risk; methods; indicators; uncertainty
Type of resource: Publication or Report, Article or presentation
Platform gathering tools for estimating climate for agriculture, such as: a world-wide agroclimatic database, agroecological zoning, a local climate estimator software, a climatic databse, etc.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: climate; estimator; weather; local; month; database; tool; tools; agriculture; agroclimatic; agroecological
Type of resource: Database or Platform
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The Web Loc Clim is a tool which estimates climate for any location on land.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: climate; estimator; weather; local; month; location; altitude; interpolation; parameters; stations; station;
Type of resource: Tool
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The global climate maps are based on data of mean monthly values of temperature, precipitation and cloudiness prepared in 1991 by R. Leemans and W. Cramer and published by the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). The IIASA database includes three key climatic elements: average monthly rainfall total, average monthly temperature, and monthly average sunshine.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: maps; GIS; dataset; datasets; data; agroecological; zone; zoning; temperature; rainfall; sunshine; climate; classification
Type of resource: Database or Platform
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The objective of this study is to enhance our understanding the El Niño phenomenon using FAO’s Agricultural Stress Index System (ASIS) and improve effective early warning capabilities of FAO and partners to issue and trigger timely disaster risk reduction measures. The study contributes to the objective of increasing the resilience of communities and their livelihoods. The study can help countries in integrating early warning systems and lessons learned form past southern oscillation phenomena into their national adaptation and disaster risk reduction plans, budgets and strategies.  
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: drought; monitoring; El Niño; el nino; phenomenon; agricultural; stress; index; early; warning; capacity; capacities; disaster; risk; reduction; measures; framework; understanding; maps; map; data; southern; oscillation; index; oceanic; characteristic; meteorological factors; meteorological observations; agrometeorology; cropping patterns;
Type of resource: Publication or Report
The Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) monitors the condition of major foodcrops across the globe to assess production prospects. To support the analysis and supplement ground based information, GIEWS utilizes remote sensing data which a valuable insight on water availability and vegetation health during cropping seasons. In addition to rainfall estimates and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), GIEWS and FAO Climate Change Division have developed the Agricultural Stress Index (ASI), a quick-look indicator for early identification of agricultural areas probably affected by dry spells, or drought in extreme cases.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: geospatial; mapping; monitoring; drought; indicators; agriculture; agricultural; stress; vegetation; health; precipitation; graph; graphs; temperature; Agricultural Stress Index; ASI; assessment; drought; observation; information; global; regional; data; climate
Type of resource: Database or Platform
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