Knowledge Tank for agriculture sectors’ adaptation to climate change

This NAP-Ag Knowledge Tank:

  • Contains tools, methods, case studies and other knowledge materials on climate change adaptation in the agriculture sectors (crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture).
  • Targets national planners, development actors and decision makers.
  • Supports countries in highlighting key resources for adaptation planning and budgeting, especially in formulating and implementing National Adaptation Plans (NAP).

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Topics: Climate change
Areas of work: development
Element when formulating and implementing a National Adaptation Plan (NAP)
A) Laying the ground work
B) Preparatory elements
C) Implementation strategies
D) Reporting, monitoring and review
Year of publishing or latest release:
Number of records: 307
This Strategic Framework aims to strengthen the role of the Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Forestry and Fisheries (MALFF) of Saint Lucia as a partner in disaster risk reduction and suggests priority actions and entry points for disaster risk reduction (DRR) interventions in the agricultural sectors. It provides an overview of policies, regulations and implementation framework for disaster risk management (DRM) in Saint Lucia and an outline of the institutional set up for DRM and climate change adaptation in agriculture, forestry and fisheries. By providing a framing of the key elements for disaster risk reduction, it will support the formulation of a national adaptation plan
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: policy; policies; framework; DRR; disaster; risk; reduction; hazard; hazards; principles; capacities; awareness; knowledge; management; plans; coordination; small; island; developing; state;
Type of resource: Publication or Report
This logic framework brings forward categories of Sida's climate change interventions and proposes indicators and results matrix for each of them. It allows planners and decision-makers to ensure a solid monitoring franmework of the interventions. It will provide ideas for national adaptation planning and defining a monitoring and evaluation system.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: climate; scenarios; matrix; indicators; research; results-based; results; monitoring; ecological; livelihood; technical; quality; strategies; capacity; M&E
Type of resource: Learning material
The CBA Framework presents a range of enabling factors which must be in place at different levels in order for effective community-based adaptation to take place. It provides a set of proposed milestones and indicators to help project teams in planning activities and tracking progress towards achieving the enabling factors. these milestones and indicators are focused on monitoring and evaluating the adaptive capacity of target populations. Note that it is a working draft, which will evolve and improve with testing and feedback from users. It is useful when formulation a NAP and setting up the monitoring and evaluation framework.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: CBA; results; household; individual; local; government; community; national; disaster; DRR; M&E
Type of resource: Learning material, Method
The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED): Tracking Adaptation and Measuring Development: a step-by-step guide
Tracking adaptation and measuring development (TAMD) is a conceptual framework to monitor and evaluate climate change adaptation. This toolkit provides step-by-step guidance to develop a robust M&E framework that can be used as part of local and national planning systems, or to assess and compare specific interventions. It will be useful for local and national government officials, development partners and NGO staff seeking to develop adaptation plans and M&E in different contexts.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: indicators; measuring; measure; theory; change; analysis; M&E; monitoring; evaluation; framework; performance
Type of resource: Learning material
Link to the related web site:
By combining local knowledge with scientific data, the Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) process builds people’s understanding about climate risks and adaptation strategies. It provides a framework for dialogue within communities, as well as between communities and other stakeholders (e.g. local and national government agencies). The results provide a solid foundation for the identification of practical strategies to facilitate community-based adaptation to climate change.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: community-based adaptation; community;
Type of resource: Learning material
Stanford University; University of Minnesota; The Nature Conservancy; WWF: InVEST - Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Trade-offs
InVEST is a set of spatially explicit software models that can be used to quantify, map and value the benefits provided by terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems in either biophysical or economic terms. The tools in the suite can be used to map and analyse the relative importance of different areas for ecosystem services.  The tool enables decision makers to assess quantified tradeoffs associated with alternative management choices and to identify areas where investment in natural capital can enhance human development and conservation. The tool allows estimating for example coastal vulnerability or development of fisheries. 
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: GIS; carbon; sequestration; marine; sediment; environmental; services
Type of resource: Tool
CRiSTAL (Community-based Risk Screening Tool – Adaptation and Livelihoods) is a set of project-planning tools to help project managers and planners identify and prioritize climate risks at the community level. The tools help in identifying livelihood resources most important to climate adaptation and as a basis for designing adaptation strategies. CRiSTAL targets project planners and managers working at the local or community level. The set includes different tools for food security, forests and conservation areas.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: risks; community; planning; assessment; design; risk; screening; livelihood
Type of resource: Tool
This toolkit provides with tools to estimate the economic costs and benefits of climate change impacts, as well as adaptation options that are relevant for the agriculture sector. Targeting technical officers at the national and sub-national level, it provides information to begin adaptation planning from the economic perspective.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: water; analysis; efficient; economic; econometric; model; scenario; scenarios; data; benefits; cost; costs; uncertainty; macroeconomic; information; coastal; sea; rise
Type of resource: Learning material, Publication or Report
Link to the related web site:
Ontario Centre for Climate Impacts and Adaptation Resources (OCCAR): Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation A Literature Review of the Canadian Agriculture Sector
List of litterature on climate change impacts on the Canadian and North-American agriculture sectors. Provides background information for laying the ground before planning for adaptation.
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Keywords: agriculture; strategy; government; Canada; evidence; incentives; co-benefits; guidelines; farm; communities; research; IPCC; status; prairie; economy; drought; Oklahoma; Europe; information;
Type of resource: Publication or Report
Link to the related web site:
UNDP and UNEP established a Global Support Programme for assisting LDCs with their respective country‐driven efforts to advance the NAP process. financed by the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF)
Language: EN , FR , SP , RU , AR , CH , Other
Type of resource: Publication or Report