Uganda and Zambia acquire tools to identify adaptation options and mainstream gender into climate change adaptation policies

9 August 2017 – Uganda and Zambia are carrying out activities to better assess adaptation options through cost-benefit analysis and impact evaluation exercises, as part of the Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans (NAP-Ag) Programme, led by FAO and UNDP. Both Uganda and Zambia are also paving the way for gender mainstreaming in national adaptation planning policies. 

In Uganda a Sensitization Workshop on Decision-Making Tools in Adaptation, including climate-resilient gender-sensitive value chain analysis and impact evaluation gathered 30 participants, mainly from district-level administrations, as well as representatives of the central Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF). As part of the workshop, a half-day field trip visit was organized to visit four farmers who had received support to build a watershed and modernize their irrigation facilities. The purpose of this activity was to test this adaptation option in a community, in cooperation with the EU-funded Global Climate Alliance project in the district of Nabisoto. The workshop consisted of several presentations including one from the National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) on gender-responsive climate change adaptation interventions. 

A group discussion was held on gender-responsive climate-resilient value chains and impact evaluation. The group identified entry points and a way forward, including the need to build capacities of district-level officers. 

“Uganda requires these kind of tools to identify and appraise the most effective options to strengthen climate change adaptation. Once government official acquire these skills, they will be able to improve their planning and build the resilience at the national and community level,” said Willy Kakuru, National Programme Coordinator.

In Zambia, a workshop was hosted to discuss potential entry-points for work on gender and market value chains, and line up activities on impact evaluation. The workshop was attended by representatives from Ministry of Agriculture (Policy and Planning Department and Department of Agriculture), Ministry of National Development Planning (new Monitoring and Evaluation Department), Ministry of Gender, University of Zambia, Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis (ZIPA) and the Indaba Agricultural Policy Research Institute (IAPRI). In addition to the presentations, a discussion was held regarding specific projects that could be informed by further training and project work. 

Future activities have been identified to continue to the work on gender, market value chains and impact evaluation. These include: 

  • Increasing capacity development activities on impact evaluation and gender mainstreaming, including value chains. 
  • Development of case studies that will provide further information on activities taking place in Zambia as part of the NAP-Ag programme.
  • Expanding activities to not only cover gender mainstreaming, but scoring in national budget as this has proven to be a positive experience in Zambia. 

The NAP-Ag Programme supports partner countries under a country-driven process to identify and address climate change adaptation measures for the agriculture sectors in relevant national planning and budgeting processes through the formulation and implementation of a National Adaptation Plan (NAP). The programme is funded through the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB). For more information on activities in other countries see Highlights Report from 2015-2017

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