Using NAP-Ag knowledge products in adaptation project design

The NAP-Ag programme has developed a range of knowledge products that can be used at various steps during adaptation project design. This articles provides a selection of these products, describing how and when they can be applied.

Project Phase: Preparations

NAP planning process for agriculture sectors 

Addressing agriculture, forestry and fisheries in national adaptation plans - Supplementary guidelines (2017)

The Addressing agriculture, forestry and fisheries in National Adaptation Plans – Supplementary guidelines (NAP–Ag Guidelines) provide specific guidance for national adaptation planning in the agricultural sectors. They are intended to be used by national planners and decision-makers working on climate change issues in developing countries and authorities and experts within the agriculture sectors who are contributing to climate change adaptation and NAP formulation and implementation. Also available in SpanishFrench and Russian.

Gender mainstreaming

Case study: Gender mainstreaming and climate resilience in Zambia’s cashew sector: Insights for adaptation planners (forthcoming)

Promoting gender-responsive adaptation in the agriculture sectors: Entry points within National Adaptation Plans (2018)

Using the framework of the National Adaptation Plans (NAP) process, this brief provides an overview of the key issues to consider and main entry points for gender mainstreaming in the development of NAPs for the agriculture sectors.

Database of relevant publications

NAP-Ag Knowledge Tank

The NAP-Ag Knowledge Tank aims to bring forward key tools and knowledge resources to stakeholders working in areas of climate change adaptation, resilience and disaster risk reduction in agriculture sectors (including forestry and fisheries). It is tailored, in particular, to support the formulation and implementation of NAPs and adaptation planning. The Knowledge Tank complements the supplementary guidelines for addressing agriculture, forestry and fisheries in national adaptation plans. 

Project Phase: Identification 

Cost-benefit analysis

Cost-benefit analysis for climate change adaptation policies and investments in the agriculture sectors (2018)

This briefing note illustrates the role and logic of Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) in the evaluation of climate change adaptation policies and projects in the agriculture sectors and describes the main analytical steps for conducting it, providing practical examples. The note describes the standard CBA methodology but highlights the peculiarities related to its implementation in the context of climate change adaptation in the agriculture sectors. 

Impact evaluation

Using impact evaluation to improve policymaking for climate change adaptation in the agriculture sectors (2018)

This briefing note provides an overview of Impact Evaluation (IE) tools that programme managers and policymakers can use to address key elements of the NAPs. It is intended for stakeholders involved in the formulation and implementation of NAPs and technical staff in ministries of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and the environment. By institutionalizing the capacity to use IE methods, governments can promote a shift towards evidence-based policymaking

Institutional capacity assessment

Institutional capacity assessment approach for national adaptation planning in the agriculture sectors (2018) 

The briefing note highlights the need to apply a country-driven institutional capacity development approach for the formulation, implementation and monitoring of National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) for more impactful and sustainable climate adaptation action. More specifically, this brief provides guidance on how to identify country strengths and needs for NAP through a participatory institutional capacity needs assessment process. 

Project Phase: Formulation

Sustainable crop production

Addressing sustainable crop production priorities in National Adaptation Plans (2019)

Sustainable crop production intensification faces particular threats from climate change. Although crop production systems are already responding to the challenges it implies, there is a need for better coordination between policymakers, farmers and other intermediaries to provide more timely, relevant technological and knowledge inputs to adapt to medium- and long-term climate change scenarios. Drawing on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Least Developed Countries Expert Group (LEG) National Adaptation Plans Technical Guidelines and the Supplementary Guidelines Addressing agriculture, forestry and fisheries in National Adaptation Plans, this briefing note identifies the entry points at the national level to plan and budget for adaptation actions for the crop production sub-sector to respond to medium- and long-term climate change threats.

Gender in formulation – Uganda example

Gender and adaptation planning in the agricultural sectors: the case of Uganda (2018)

This case study chronicles Uganda’s experiences developing a gender-responsive National Adaptation Plan for the Agricultural Sector (NAP-Ag) and related capacity development for gender-responsive planning, budgeting and policy formulation. 

Integrating ecosystem-based adaptation into a NAP process

National adaptation plans – an entry point for ecosystem-based adaptation (forthcoming).

This briefing note provides practical information on the planning and implementation of ecosystem-based adaptation (EbA) approaches in the agriculture sectors as part of national adaptation planning processes. It presents entry points for mainstreaming EbA throughout the four elements of the National Adaptation Plans (NAP) formulation process, as defined by the UNFCCC Least Developed Countries Group (LEG, 2012). The brief describes how planning and implementing EbA in the agriculture sectors as part of the NAPs process can make key linkages between increasing resilience of sustainable agricultural livelihoods and ecosystem management and conservation.

Project Phase: Implementation 

Gender mainstreaming

Gender in adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors: Guide for Trainers (2019)

This Guide for Trainers, based on workshops in nine countries, provides a complete set of materials for use in training sessions on mainstreaming gender in adaptation planning in the agriculture sectors. It is designed for a trainer or team responsible for delivering a training workshop for stakeholders who are involved in adaptation planning and related budgeting processes in agriculture. 

Links between adaptation planning and activities in The Philippines

Case study: Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans Case Study – The Philippines (2018) 

The case study series aims to show the links between long-term adaptation planning/NAPs and activities supported by the NAP-Ag programme in the Philippines as well as the resulting impacts. The preparation of this case study is based on a review of country reports and publications, as well as interviews with the NAP-Ag country coordinator and team members, representatives from agencies with CCA responsibilities In the DA, CCC, PAGASA, National Economic and Development Authority and partner organizations. 

Results of NAP-Ag activities in Kenya

Case study: Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans Case Study – Kenya (2018)

This country case study on Kenya is one in a series that describes the steps taken to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), with a particular emphasis on adaptation in agriculture (incl. forestry, livestock and fisheries). This series aims to provide national policy makers with valuable information from colleagues and counterparts in Asia, Africa and Latin America who are on the same NAP journey to address the multiple challenges posed by climate change. 

Results of NAP-Ag activities in Uruguay

Case study: Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans Case Study – Uruguay (2018)

This country case study on Uruguay is one in a series that describes the steps taken to formulate and implement National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), with a particular emphasis on adaptation in agriculture (incl. forestry, livestock and fisheries). This series aims to provide national policy makers with valuable information from colleagues and counterparts in Asia, Africa and Latin America who are on the same NAP journey to address the multiple challenges posed by climate change. Also available in Spanish

Case study: Sex-disaggregated data for monitoring adaptation in agriculture – Uruguay (2019)

Project Phase: Evaluation 

Monitoring and evaluation for adaptation planning

Strengthening monitoring and evaluation for adaptation planning in the agriculture sectors. Technical Guidance Note (2019)

The importance of M&E of climate change adaptation has been highlighted at global level, including under the Paris Agreement. Simultaneously, adaptation M&E systems are beginning to emerge at the national level in the context of national planning and budgeting processes. This technical guidance note details how to develop M&E systems for adaptation planning in agriculture sectors.

Advancing on monitoring and evaluation for adaptation in the agriculture sectors (2018)

The two-page note provides an overview of the potential steps needed in designing an adaptation Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework and plan for the agriculture sectors. It interprets how initial steps or building blocks proposed by GIZ, with regards to developing national adaptation M&E systems, could be applied for developing an adaptation M&E system for the agriculture sectors specifically.