
English version of the article available hereGuatemala, 18 de junio de 2020 - Si bien Guatemala está revisando actualmente sus compromisos climáticos a través de la actualización de su NDC, a ser presentada a la Convención Marco de las Naciones...
Thursday 23 April 2020 at 16.00-17.30 (CET) The FAO-UNDP “Integrating Agriculture in National Adaptation Plans” (NAP-Ag) Programmeis organizing a webinar on Strengthening monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for adaptation planning for the agriculture sectors, based on the M&E guidance note. Register here Join the...
28 February 2020, Manila, Philippines – As the NAP-Ag programme came to a close in the Philippines in December 2019, government partners were brought together to share insights with key stakeholders, and reflect on the outcomes achieved over the past...
The NAP-Ag programme has developed a range of knowledge products that can be used at various steps during adaptation project design. This articles provides a selection of these products, describing how and when they can be applied. Project Phase: Preparations NAP planning...
5 December 2019, Madrid, Spain – NAP-Ag partner countries as well as members of the global team got together at the climate change conference (COP25) in Madrid to showcase country experiences of integrating agricultural sectors in national climate policies, as...