Appraising adaptation options: cost–benefit analysis and impact evaluation
Determining the price tag of the effects of climate change on economies as well as the potential measures to adapt to climate change can be challenging. There is inherent uncertainty and complexity surrounding climate change and its specific effects on the agriculture sectors.
Training sessions have been held to enhance and develop capacity to support decision-making in the agriculture sectors. Specific topics included appraisal tools, such as cost–benefit analyses (CBA) and impact evaluation (IE), which can support planning and decision-making processes. Policy makers can use these tools in the formulation and implementation of NAPs to prioritize and evaluate adaptation measures.
Country activities include:
● In Kenya, an agriculture-based livelihood project has been identified for a CBA to be run. Key stakeholders were trained on the methodology in 2018.
● In Thailand, an IE strategy and work plan were finalized in 2017. The goal of this evaluation is to quantify the impact of New Theory Agriculture – an agricultural extension program that is being scaled up in Thailand. This evaluation builds upon training on CBA provided by the Programme in two sessions in 2016 and 2017.
● In Uganda, a capacity assessment was undertaken for CBA to prepare for a training in 2018. A case study on impact evaluation was identified and used during a training in October 2018.
● In Uruguay the Programme, in partnership with research institutes and universities, is working on the development and implementation of an impact evaluation framework for the agriculture sectors that will generate evidence–based results of adaptation options and serve as an input for national adaptation planning.
● In Zambia, technical officers from key ministries have been trained on conducting CBA and IE. A report applying CBA to the Conservation Agriculture Scaling Up project was completed and reviewed, and a case study on IE in Zambia is being finalized.
● In Viet Nam, programme activities covers vulnerability and impacts assessment of crop, livestock production and aquaculture, as well as a vulnerability and impact assessment for water resources.