Inception Report - NAP-Ag Nepal

The inception of the project “Supporting Nepal to Integrate Agricultural Sectors into National Adaptation Plans (NAPs)” was held on the 3rd of October in 2016 at Yak and Yeti Hotel in Kathmandu. Nepal is one of the eleven countries being supported by Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) of the Federal Republic of Germany via International Climate Initiative (ICI). The project is supporting the ministries of agriculture (MoAD) and livestock development (MoLD) and other relevant ministries to integrate agriculture sector(s) into the national NAP process and climate change adaptation into the sector planning and budgeting processes. The project is being implemented by FAO and UNDP upon guidance of inter-ministerial Project Steering Committee (PSC) of Nepal government. The inception report complements the project document with the outcomes of the pre-inception activities, the half-day inception meeting and post inception consultations, analyses and meetings with the project stakeholders. The report is organized in four sections. Section 1 provides introduction of the project in global ground and description of sector background Section 2 covers institutional context and on-going programs in the country. Section 3, elaborates the project implementation plan in terms of approach and section 4 focuses on activities organization and deliveries.