Improved Pesticides and Chemicals Management in the Former Soviet Union

Outcome 3: Cross-Cutting Activities

The design of the project identified the need for a series of regional initiatives, and specified four main Outputs:

  • Strengthening of partnerships and ensuring visibility of the project. FAO is committed to working in partnership with all stakeholders thus avoiding duplication of effort, while it is also important to ensure that the work of the project is visible, helping resource mobilization;
  • The project will assess the development of regional capacity for the environmentally sound destruction of obsolete pesticides and similar wastes in the future, and will form the basis of possible future investment projects;
  • The development of capacity in all aspects of the pesticide life-cycle is a priority for FAO, with activities focused on the adaptation of existing materials and the development of new materials. Training materials will be developed at primary, secondary and tertiary education levels; and
  • The development of technical guidelines which will assist countries to implement the Code of Conduct will contribute significantly to capacity development across the region. The adaptation of existing FAO and EU materials and development of new tools in areas of specific interest to the region will support the wider aims of the project.