Improved Pesticides and Chemicals Management in the Former Soviet Union

An FAO Government Cooperative Programme (GCP) agreement was signed with The Republic of Moldova on 11 April 2012, with the project implemented jointly by Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI), Ministry of Environment (MoEnv) and Ministry of Defence (MoD).

The country Operational Manual (OM) sets the following priorities:

  • Disposal of the most dangerous OP site - the Pascani site, Criuleni district, which has been affected by fire three times in recent years, and which is estimated to contain in excess of 250 tonnes of OPs and over 40 tonnes of sand;
  • Conduct training on the Environmental Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for the Pascani site;
  • Elaboration of the landfill site study and risk assessment - including the current situation and the potential impacts - at the pesticide landfill site in Chishmichioi village, Vulcanesti district;
  • A complete review of pesticide legislation in Moldova to identify areas of possible strengthening of national regulations;
  • A review of the pesticide life-cycle in Moldova to identify areas where more support should be provided to ensure implementation of the Code to the distribution and use of pesticides;
  • A review of the current use of HHPs and the development of a plan to phase out their use in Moldova through the promotion of lower risk alternative pest control systems; and
  • Development of a national awareness and communications plan linked to the above activities.