Recommended Readings
This section contains reference documents, free of charge or priced, on topics relevant to plant breeding published by organizations and institutions other than FAO.

Plant adaptation is a fundamental process in plant breeding. It was the first criterion in the initial domestication of plants thousands of years ago. Adaptedness is generally a quantitative complex feature of the plant, involving many traits, many of which are quantitative. Adaptation to stresses like cold, drought or diseases are among the most central problems in a world grappling with global food security. Modern plant breeding, based on mendelian genetics, has made plant improvement more effective and more precise and selective. Molecular genetics and genetic engineering has considerably increased this selectivity down to single genes affecting single traits. The time has come when plant breeding efficiency may cause loss of genetic resources and adaptation. In these proceedings an effort is made to merge modern plant breeding efficiency with ecological aspects of plant breeding, reflected in adaptation.
Peter M. A. Tigerstedt / Springer
Peter M. A. Tigerstedt / Springer

Em meio a tantas inovações e indagações, não podemos estar restritos a um simples plebiscito se somos contra ou a favor dos transgênicos. Não podemos nos furtar do compromisso de estarmos buscando constantemente trazer esse tema para as nossas mesas de discussão. A sociedade deseja ver avanços que possam garantir uma melhor qualidade de vida e é nosso compromisso estarmos voltados para esse fim, norteados por princípios éticos. Que esse material seja útil nessa reflexão
Aluízio Borém
Aluízio Borém

Plants have been successfully selectively bred for thousands of years, culminating in incredible yields, quality, resistance and so on that we see in our modern day crops and ornamental plants. In recent years the techniques used have been rapidly advanced and refined to include molecular, cell and genetic techniques.
"An Introduction to Plant Breeding" provides comprehensive coverage of the whole area of plant breeding. Covering modes of reproduction in plants, breeding objectives and schemes, genetics, predictions, selection, alternative techniques and practical considerations. Each chapter is carefully laid out in a student friendly way and includes questions for the reader. The book is essential reading for all those studying, teaching and researching plant breeding.
Jack Brown, Peter D. S. Caligari
Jack Brown, Peter D. S. Caligari

With coverage of chemistry, genetics, and molecular breeding, this book provides comprehensive and current information on barley types, composition, characteristics, processing techniques, and products. Its emphasis on the nutritional and health benefits of barley is especially timely with the FDA s 2005 confirmation of barley s cholesterol-lowering properties. This resource discusses barley s role in breads and related products, and reviews its health benefits, biotechnology, and breeding applications. This is the definitive resource for cereal chemists, food scientists, nutritionists, grain and food processors, and students in appropriate courses.
Rosemary K. Newman & C. Walter Newman
Rosemary K. Newman & C. Walter Newman

The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) is an association of agricultural research centers that together represent an important force in genetic conservation of crops and their wild relatives. Under the CGIAR umbrella, the centers are collectively custodians of international genetic resource collections for crops that provide seventy-five percent of the world's food energy. This volume considers the status of the key collections, in each case providing details of the botany, distribution and agronomy of the species concerned, in addition to extensive information on germplasm conservation and use. The book presents a unique synthesis of knowledge drawn from the CGIAR centers, providing an invaluable source of reference for all those concerned with monitoring, maintaining and utilizing the biodiversity of our staple crop species.
Domenic A. Fuccillo , Linda Sears & Paul Stapleton
Domenic A. Fuccillo , Linda Sears & Paul Stapleton