Sustainable Management of Bycatch in Latin America and Caribbean Trawl Fisheries (REBYC-II LAC)
From 27 August 2018 to 27 August 2018
Category: Rebyc-II LAC events
Location: Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Trainings directed to shrimp peelers of Puntarenas on the management of legal books for organizations

From 27 August 2018 to 29 August 2018
Category: Rebyc-II LAC events
Location: Campeche, Mexico

Workshop-course: "Ecosystem Approach to Fishery Management" carried out to the sectors involved in the pink shrimp fishery.

From 24 August 2018 to 24 August 2018
Category: Rebyc-II LAC events
Location: Puntarenas, Costa Rica

Organizational Strengthening Sessions directed to the organized groups of women peelers of Puntarenas

From 22 August 2018 to 22 August 2018
Category: Rebyc-II LAC events
Location: Colombia

Workshop on the socialization of the results of the evaluation of prototype nets and their economic valuation in the Colombian Pacific

From 22 August 2018 to 22 August 2018
Category: Rebyc-II LAC events
Location: Isla Venado, Costa Rica

Visit to the Marine Area of Responsible Fisheries, Isla Venado, for the return of the information generated from the instruments: Assessment of risks and potentialities in income generating groups with...

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