الوابور، الاستشعار عن بعد لإنتاجية المياه



أحدث الأخبار المتعلقة بكولومبيا

قدم خورخي غوتيريز، المنسق الوطني لمشروع الوابور في كولومبيا، مشروع الوابور في المؤتمر السادس لاستخدام تكنولوجيا الفضاء لإدارة المياه في 7 مايو في كوستاريكا.

في عرضه ...


أُقيمت ورشة العمل الافتتاحية لـلوابور في كولومبيا يوم الخميس الماضي، 21 سبتمبر، في بوغوتا. تمت مناقشة الجوانب العامة للمشروع، والمكونات، والمنتجات، والنتائج المتوقعة مع المشاركين. كولومبيا هي أول دولة لاتينية تنفذ الوابور.

تم تقسيم اليوم إلى جزئين. في البداية، بمشاركة الشركاء الدوليين وا...



حول كولومبيا
Colombia is a country that is in the extreme northwest of South America, whose territory is included within the intertropical zone, reaching a total area of 2,070,408 km² that includes coasts on the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The Country is recognized for its variety of ecosystems and biodiversity, being the first most biodiverse country per square kilometer in the world, the second most biodiverse in natural resources and the sixth with the greatest water wealth on the planet.

The total land use for the last national agricultural survey was 50,102,269 hectares, finding that livestock use predominates with 39,017,179 hectares and a participation of 77.9%, followed by forests with 5,175,846 hectares (10.3%), agricultural use with 4,617,116 hectares (9.2%) and other uses with 1,292,128 hectares (2.6%).

For 2019, agro-industrial crops had the highest participation with 41.2% and an area of 2,186,389 ha, followed by cereals that represented 18.5% with an area of 984,859 ha and forest plantations with 13, 5% and an area of 716,501 ha

For the year 2020, the water demand is made up of a 43.25% participation associated with uses of the agricultural sector (agriculture and post-harvest) and a 66.75% of the total generated from non-agricultural activities (hydroenergy, fish farming, domestic, livestock and slaughter, mining, hydrocarbons, industry, services/official and construction)


Upcoming project milestones:

September 2023: project inception workshop in Bogotá

Pilot areas:

Currently being identified in concertation with local stakeholders.

شراكات الوابور في كولومبيا

The WaPOR project partners are:

  • The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
  • The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, through the Directorate of Integral Management of Water Resources.
  • The IDEAM Institute – By its acronym in Spanish, Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies
  • National Disaster Risk Management Unit

© Patrick Zachmann/Magnum Photos for FAO