WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

WaPOR side-event at the UN Water Conference at 12:30-13:45 (EST)


On World Water Day 2023, 22-24 March, we will turn our gazes to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City for the 2023 Conference for the Midterm Comprehensive Review of Implementation of the UN Decade for Action on Water and Sanitation (2018-2028) co-hosted by Tajikistan and the Netherlands. 

The FAO will be hosting a number of sessions. 
Find out more in calendar of FAO events at the UN water conference >>> here.


WaPOR on-site and webcasted side event:

"Securing water allocation for sustainable food production and the environment using innovative technologies and real time data"


Friday 24 March 2023
at 12:30-13:45 (EST or GMT-5)
in Conference Room 6 of the UN Headquarters Building, in New York City. 

The event will be webcasted here:


Local times for the participating countries:



The session will be a reflection on the innovative contribution of remote sensing water data for sustainable food production in supporting policy-makers to develop water strategies and farmers through advisory services.

The session will be possible thanks to a co-organising partnership led by the Hydraulics Research Center (HRC) in Sudan that includes:

  • the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO),
  • the Ministry of Water (MoW) of Somalia,
  • the Institut National des Grandes Cultures (INGC, Tunisia),
  • the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education,
  • the International Water Management Institute (IWMI),
  • and the Association for the PROmotion of Hydro-climatic and Environmental Services (APROSHE, Burkina Faso). 



Welcome & introduction
Virginie Gillet, FAO

Opening address
Eng. Dawelbeit A. Mansour, Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources, Sudan

Keynote presentation 1
Annemarie Klasse, eLeaf (on behalf of HRC, Professor Gismala Younis)

Keynote presentation 2
Paolo Paron, MoW Somalia/ FAO Somalia

Panel discussion moderated by Virginie Gillet, FAO.
Participating panelists are:

  • Mark Smith, IWMI
  • Lifeng Li, Land & Water Director, FAO
  • Graham Jewitt, IHE Delft
  • Agnikè Ziadath Achimi, présidente de l’ONG ‘Femmes pour l'Eau le Climat et l'Environnement - ECEau-Fem’, représentant d’APROSHE
  • Habaeib Hamadi, Ministry of Agriculture, Hydraulics Resources and Fisheries, Tunisia

  • Vincent Kabuti, Ministry of Water Sanitation and Irrigation, Kenya
  • Syed Mehar Ali Shah, Joint Secretary (Water), Ministry of Water Resources, Pakistan

Q&A Session 
Virginie Gillet, FAO

Closing: wrap up and next steps 
Lifeng Li, FAO Land and Water Division director


More WaPOR presence at the UN 2023 Water Conference: 

Other sessions during which WaPOR will be featured or discussed: 

  • "Multistakeholder commitments to the Water Action Agenda – Integrated water and climate solutions - From science to decisions to actions": 22 March, HQ 23, 12:30-13:45 (EST)

            More info here.

  •  "Big Earth Data: A game changer to promote implementation of SDG 6": 23 March, HQ 136, 18:30-19:45 (EST)

            More info here.