WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

Algeria: an IWMI mission in May 2023


A mission to facilitate the implementation of the WaPOR 2 project tools in the irrigated area of the Mitidja plain in Algeria, was held from 29 May to 1 June 2023. The members of the Advisory Committee of the WaPOR project in Algeria, Mr Makram Belhaj Fraj, Expert from the International Water Management Institute (IWMI), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations’ (FAO) colleagues, Mr Riad Mezaour and Ms Imene Ferrah, participated to the activity. 

The first day of the mission took place at the National Institute of Agricultural Research of Algeria (INRAA) in Algiers. Mr Fraj presented the details of the implementation of project activity 3.2 "Co-develop and implement the identified tools" to the members of the Steering Committee. In-depth discussions regarding the information and datasets available in the Mitidja plain took place, as well as on the previous results of similar projects. 
A field visit to the irrigated perimeter of Mitidja West and Centre, in the wilayas of Tipaza and Blida, was held on 30 and 31 May. Mr Fraj was accompanied by the INRAA focal point, Mr Belkhiri Farouk Eddine, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR), the National Irrigation and Drainage Office (ONID) and the FAO team. The purpose of the visit was to study a farm in the area and assess irrigation practices, to better understand the specific challenges and gather information on best practices of irrigation management. 
During the last day of the meeting, the participants reviewed the roadmap for the implementation of the identified activities and capacity building at INRAA offices in Algiers. The mission contributed to the effective implementation of the tools identified in activity 3.2 "Co-develop and implement the identified tools" of the WaPOR phase 2 project. The engagement of stakeholders contributed to optimize the long-term results of the WaPOR 2 project in Algeria.