WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

Check out the new WaPOR case study to monitor agriculture in conflict areas: the case of the Syrian Arab Republic


This new case study explores the use of WaPOR data to monitor agricultural activity in conflict areas by showcasing some irrigation schemes in the Syrian Arab Republic where infrastructure was destroyed during the civil war.

Agricultural data occupies a central place in how we make sense of and manage agricultural systems. In light of that, their collection has to be well distributed both spatially and temporally, a task that is already challenging in itself, and is further complicated in times of political conflict. 

In addition to the disruption in agricultural production, the mechanisms for the collection of agricultural data may also be affected. In fact, it might be too unsafe for data to be collected in-situ. Also, crucial data-collecting infrastructure and services might be respectively damaged and unoperational.

In such cases, remote sensing data, which yields data with unparalled spatial and temporalcovereage, can constitute a viable data source to consider as a temporary alternative and complement.

The case study looks at how areas of disrupted agricultural production in the Syrian Arab Republic can be identified and followed over time.

Check out the case study here >>>