WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

First training in Colombia: “Introduction to WaPOR data”


From 13 to 15 March 2024, a WaPOR data introduction training was held in Bogotá, Colombia. The Institute for Water Education (IHE-Delft) organized the activity in collaboration with FAO. 

Entities such as the National Planning Department, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, CIAT Bioversity Alliance, the Institute of Environmental Studies and Meteorology IDEAM, Agrosavia, Colombian Institute of Agriculture, National Unit for Risk Management, UPRA, Rural Development Agency , and universities from the regions such as the University of Tolima, the Technological University of Pereira, and the University of Sinú, actively participated in the training. 

Colombia would be the first country in Latin America and the Caribbean to implement this type of information management and analysis of water productivity. The stakeholders expect to continue with the identification of identifying priority areas for data management at 20m (level 3) resolution. 

The project will also continue with the capacities building activities, as well as the involvement of priority chains such as rice and bananas, in accordance with government policies for the agricultural sector. 

Likewise, Agro AP presented further developments for Colombia and FAO presented ScaleWat, the recent water accounting and tenure project that is beginning to be implemented in the country based on WaPOR’s data.