WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

Inception workshop in Kenya


The inception workshop for the second phase of the WaPOR project took place in Nairobi, Kenya as well as online in a hybrid format on July 26, 2022. It was a day dedicated to gathering potential stakeholders of the project, introducing the database and the the project to them, showcasing the different potential uses of WaPOR data as well as past uses of the data in the country and finally, and very importantly, hear from these stakeholders to understand what needs they see in their work and areas of intervention that WaPOR data might contribute to bringing solutions to. Their input will be crucial in defining the project activities that will take place in the country in the upcoming years. 

The workshop started with a round of opening remarks from the FAO office in Kenya, then the Dutch embassy in Kenya, followed by remarks by a representative of the Ministry of Water, Sanitation and Irrigation and then by a representative of the Council of Governors. Subsequently, the WaPOR team in Kenya and Rome as well international partners of the project (IHE Delft and IWMI) presented on the project and its new phase. More presentations followed during which different previous uses of WaPOR data in Kenya were explored. The workshop participants had time, after each round of presentations, to ask questions and dig deeper into what was presented on. The level of engagement was high and this workshop marks a positive and energetic start to the project with 35 in-person participants and 16 online.