WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

"Introduction to remote sensing derived FAO WaPOR database" training in Baghdad


Under the patronage of His Excellency Mr. Mahdi Rashid Al-Hamdani, Minister of Water Resources, the FAO Representation in Iraq held the training workshop “Introduction to remote sensing derived FAO WaPOR database” from 15 to 17 May 2022, in Baghdad Hall-Royal Tulip Al Rasheed Hotel. This training workshop is one of the activities of “Monitoring land and water productivity by Remote Sensing (WaPOR phase 2)” project in Iraq. The training targeted the participation of technicians in the relevant departments and centers of the stakeholders. 

The objectives of this training workshop were to: Introduce stakeholders to WaPOR components, quality, data format and meta-data; Access WaPOR data through the portal; Perform basic analysis using WaPOR data in QGIS; Assess the training needs of the stakeholders related to the identified topics of WaPOR applications; and Brainstorm about additional WaPOR applications in country. 

The opening session of the training course was chaired by Mr. René Verduijn, Senior Resilience Team Leader in FAO Representation in Iraq, and Ms. Aseel Abdulhameed, National project coordinator for WaPOR phase 2. Mr. René Verduijn explained in his speech the importance of using data derived from remote sensing techniques in functional tasks and research activities to reach better results for operations and to make good decisions. 

Plenary discussion on how to implement ‎potential applications of these techniques in Iraq and on the project governance, was held in the third day of the training workshop and chaired by Mr. Zaid Hamodi Habeeb, DG of Planning and follow up directorate of the Ministry of Water Resources (MOWR), and Dr. Salah ElHajjHassan, FAO Representative in Iraq. 

In this plenary the policy makers who were the representatives of the relevant ministries, Dr. Shatha Salm Majeed, Technical Advisory Group (TAG) Member, Representative of MOWR, Dr. Waleed Mohammed Mukhlef, TAG Member, Representative of MOA and Mr. Abdubasit A. Hmad Amin, TAG Member, Representative of MOAWR_IKR, discussed with the technical participants how to implement ‎potential applications of these techniques in Iraq, and how to use FAO ‎WaPOR data for land and water use assessments.

The workshop achieved its objectives and participants took place in the assessment of the training needs of the stakeholders related to the identified topics of WaPOR applications in Iraq on IHE Delft Institute for Water Education website.