WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

Introductory WaPOR training in Sudan and stakeholders meeting


On the 13th and the 14th of September 2022, 24 participants (with a 50/50 gender balance), gathered at the Hydraulic Research Center in Sudan for an introductory training on WaPOR and its data. These participants, most of them senior staff, come from a variety of backgrounds: ministries, research and academic institutions, insurance companies, farmer banks and farmer irganizations, etc. They were trained on how to navigate the WaPOR portal, download WaPOR data and analyse it using QGIS.

On the 15th of September, the same participants were joined by others with a policy-makinng background to look at the results from the exercises conducted during the training, learn about application of WaPOR data, discuss potential and challenges of the use of remote-sening data for agricultural water management for the Gezira Scheme and further discuss the role that the project can have in the country in the coming years in addressing the needs of the different stakeholders and stakeholder institutions present.