WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

Showcase session at the GEO Week 2023


The Group on Earth Observation (GEO) is a partnership of more than 100 national governments and more than 100 participating organizations, among which FAO, that promotes full and open access to Earth observation data, information and knowledge. Ministers of the GEO member governments and organizations meet periodically to provide the political mandate and overall strategic direction for GEO during the GEO-week.

On the occasion of the GEO week, the Netherlands Space Office (NSO) co-organized with the WaPOR project team a showcase session to introduce WaPOR Version 3 and discuss linkages with GEO activities, with the following speakersÑ

Mr. Ruud Grim, Program Manager at Netherlands Space Office (moderator)

Ms. Livia Peiser, Technical Officer at FAO (speaker)


Mr. Sven Gilliam, Director of GEOGLAM

Ms. Lisa-Maria Rebelo, Lead Scientist at Digital Earth Africa

Ms. Molato, Director of Lesotho Bureau of Statistics

The session was attended by 80 participants, and triggered lively discussion on opportunities for further integrating WaPOR data in GEO initiatives.