WaPOR, remote sensing for water productivity

WaPOR introductory training in Sudan


On September 13 and 14, WaPOR conducted an introductory training aimed at a wide range of stakeholders of the project that took place at Hydraulic Research Center premises in Khartoum. The training was attended by 24 participants with 50% of them being women. The participants came from different departments of relevant Ministries, research and academia, insurance companies, farmer banks and farmer organizations and were mostly senior staff.

The participants were trained on navigatin the WaPOR portal, downloading WaPOR data and performing data analysis with WaPOR using QGIS to computer, for instance, water consumption and water productivity. The main trainer was Abebe Chukalla, Lecturer/Researcher in Irrigation Engineering at IHE Delft. AMong other topics, he elaborated on water productivity concepts and on the quality of WaPOR data. 

On September 15, stakeholders from the first day gathered once again and were joined by other participants who were policy-makers to discuss the work with WaPOR data that has been done in Sudan and the possible way forward. The objective was to perform a thorough stakeholder mapping of the value chains that can involve WaPOR data and understand their needs, as well as discuss the hurdles that have prevented a broader uptake of the data in the country, more precisely in the Gezira scheme.